Saturday, September 7, 2024

message From the President of the UWSEF

Message From the President of the UWSEF
Message From The President of the 'United World Serrada Escrima Federation' Maha Guru SGMD
The UWSEF was founded upon the principles of goodwill, good faith, and each one support one. Thus far, all of the UWSEF Representatives here in the U.S.A., and abroad have been hard at work spreading the UWSEF motto "One Fist One Love." I have lived the life of a martial artist practically all of my life, and there have definitely been some dark dire moments in my life as well, but no matter what obstacles were in the way, martial arts never failed to save the day. There are so many dedicated martial artist's worldwide, that feel the same way that I do. And my pledge is to come into contact with as many of these dedicated martial artist's as I possibly can. My primary purpose is to share knowledge, and to continue to do the healing work that our 'Grand Elder's' taught us to do.
The UWSEF is crack A-Team outfit, and we go wherever our services are mostly needed. Our latest member, and representative in the state of St. Louis Missouri, is Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes. Guro Blaydes is an extraordinary martial artist who has been training in the art of "CSE & DC Serrada Escrima'" for over 20 years, under the personalized tutelage of Grandmaster Michael Schwarz. Also, due to his continued dedication, Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes has been awarded the 'United World Serrada Escrima Federation' Sr. Master's 5th. Degree Certificate.' 
Additionally, Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes is now a Lifetime member of the UWSEF, and has full privileges within the UWSEF as well.
Great Congratulations Brother Robert Blaydes, and welcome into an organization that stands upon the shoulders of several Master's, Grandmaster's & Great Grandmaster's. I look forward to crossing blades, sticks and empty-hands with you again soon.
Best Regards, Respectfully
Maha Guru SGMD

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