Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Defensive Combat Initiatives Empty Hand Translations Intro

Defensive Combat Initiatives
Empty Hand Translations Intro

All technique is for educational purpose. Do not attempt any technique demonstrated without the supervision of a qualified Martial Arts Instructor. Please consult a physician prior to engaging in any physical activity.
Nothing fancy here. This is just the very basic translation of the Angle 1 stick deflections. Please keep in mind, this is "interpretations", NOT to be mistaken for how myself or any Serrada player would react in REAL street confrontation.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Defensive Combat initiatives "Bare Bones Serrada Escrima"

Defensive Combat Initiatives Demo

All technique is for educational purpose. Do not attempt any technique demonstrated without the supervision of a qualified Martial Arts Instructor. Please consult a physician prior to engaging in any physical activity.

Nothing fancy here. This is just the very basic stick deflections of the Angle 1 stick deflections. Please keep in mind, this is "bare bones basics", NOT to be mistaken for how myself or any Serrada player would react in REAL street confrontation.