Monday, March 7, 2011

Recognition from Phillippines for GM D

Dear Grandmaster "D",
Thank you for your kind words and remarks. Coming from you whom we consider as among the legends in the field of kali/escrima, I am most honored. I have browsed through your videos and photos and I would say with all sincerity that you are among the more privilege few people in this world who have personally trained with the masters in the art of kali/escrima. That is an honor uniquely bestowed to you, that even us Filipinos did not have the opportunity and the occasion to benefit. Many have desired to train with the great masters but were not given the privilege to do so. I have also read through your blogs as well and I hold you in highest respect for your principles.
In my humble profession as the Chief for Legislation in the Senate Committee on Games, Amusement and Sports, in the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines, I had the unique privilege of drafting a bill which mandated "Arnis" to be the National Sports in the country. Said bill was passed into law and is now institutionalized in our country. This probably is my humble contribution to the propagation of the art of arnis/escrima/kali throughout the world.
I am really honored to have received a mesage from you Sir. Keep the fire burning!!!
With my highest respect,
Jessie R. Rocales

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Posted by GM Tasi Alo

Former "Bill Poett's Conejo Valley Karate Academy" in Newbury Park, California; at one time served as a southern California divisional headquarters on behalf of the "World Serrada Escrima Federation". During this period in time! Master Bill Poett represented one of the most financially successful martial arts instructors in southern, California.
(L-to-R) GM *D* & Master Escrima Protege Guru: Bill Poett

An original Roger Lacombe & Pat Johnson “Graduate Black Belt Instructor” under Chuck Norris' "Tang Soo Do Federation" Master Guru Poett went on to train from other highly esteemed Master's & Grand Master's such as: GM Stephen K. Hayes & GM *D*. Master Bill Poett tested for his "Davis/Cabales

Serrada System of Escrima Masters Degree" in front of the legendary GM Cecil Peoples.

(L-to-R) Stephen K. Hayes, GM *D* & Bill Poett

The following news-article was published in 1995 in "KARATE INTERNATIONAL Magazine"

Recently in Southern California a unique and spectacular promotional examination was witnessed by over one hundred and fifty people. The onlookers were amazed as they watched William de la Guerra Poett a 3rd. degree black belt in "Tang Soo Do" and dean of the 'Conejo Valley Karate Academy' located in Newbury Park, take a grueling and taxing thirty minute long advanced escrima examination. According to all those who attended the affair, the examination was not only hair raising, but was entertaining as well. During the course of the examination Poett was attacked with everything except the kitchen sink.

Sticks, bats, and real blades were just some of the various weapons that he had to successfully defend himself against in order to acquire his advanced diploma in the "Cabales Serrada System of Escrima". GM *D* who administered the test to Poett is himself a private graduate student and protege of the late Grandmaster Angel Cabales. Cabales also known as the "Father of Escrima in America" was the first escrima master to open an official escrima academy in the United States in 1966.

Many of Grandmaster Cabales' early graduate students include such esteemed names as Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Leo T. Fong, Dentoy Revillar, Mike Inay, Jimmy Tacosa, Rene Latosa, Ted Lucaylucay, and Graciela Casillas. Also, on hand at this special event was the legendary Cecil Peoples, one of America's early martial arts pioneers. Peoples had this to say about the escrima exam given to William Poett "This was one of the most impressive, stunning, fascinating, enlightening test that I've ever seen".

At the conclusion of the breathtaking examination, William Poett was officially awarded his 'Advanced Escrima Diploma' by GM *D*, and had this to say "As an experienced martial artist I can honestly say that this was one of the most realistic test that I've ever taken, and thanks to GM *D* I can now represent a small part of the "Cabales Legacy".
When it comes to elevating others to 'par excellence' in the field of fitness, health, and martial arts; "World Serrada Escrima Federation's" Honorary Grand Master Guru" Bill Poett's name ranks high up with the top ten most successful martial artists, and fitness motivators worldwide. By far, Bill Poett is one of the finest master graduate martial artists that has ever come through the "World Serrada Escrima Federation's" 'Master's Escrima Program' with top of the line honors. Always a supreme leader in all that he pursues, Bill Poett is definitely a renaissance man in the field of ultimate living. As a former private student of GM *D*, Bill Poett has continued his inner growth, and his endless journey in other areas of life.

Today! Bill Poett is working tirelessly in the field of self empowerment. His debut book titled: "ABC's of PEAK PERFORMERS" demonstrates the inner genius, and the 'peak mastery' that he has not only obtained, but his biggest gift of all, is that he is sharing this personal gift with other very well deserving peoples as well.

(L-to-R) GM *D* &'WSEF' Master Guru Bill Poett