Saturday, September 7, 2024

I Share Everything I Know

GGM Angel Cabales Shares Everything He Knows
Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales 

Now even against any kind of a blade will the Serrada techniques still work the same?

AC: All the Serrada defensive techniques are the same, nothing changes. For instance we have at least nine different counters for a number one strike which is the most basic attack in all styles and whether your opponent strikes you with a weapon or not or even if you have no weapon at all you will still be able to counter your opponent in the same way.

I’ve noticed that the Serrada System is a very tight system of fighting it is almost as if you let or allow your opponent to commit an attack upon you purposely?

AC: Well Serrada’s favorite strategy is that the opponent(s) will hit us first, but once a fight has started and if the opponent doesn’t hit us first, then we hit them.

It appears that most of the people who come to you for training are already experienced in some form of martial arts?

AC: Right, well see the people that are involved in martial arts especially the ones who have been involved for so many years are smart enough to figure out which system of martial arts that they prefer the most. They know what they are looking for.

When you’ve actually been involved in combat like yourself, would you say that you can more readily teach a person what to expect in an actual confrontation.

AC: Yeah , that’s right.

How do you work on honing a persons reflexes in your system in order to make a person react more quicker to an attack thrown upon them?

AC: Sparring and a training drill that I call lock and block.

You have other techniques in your system known as “picking”, what is picking?

AC: Picking is the art of faking a person out so that you force them to commit an offensive or defensive maneuver in order to counter-attack them more easily.

Are there things that your master Felicisimo Dizon taught to you that you don’t teach to anyone else?

AC: No, I teach everything what I know.

A lot of people would consider that not to be a wise business strategy, why don’t you see it that way?

AC: Because my reason is, is that if I teach everything that I’ve learned, my students will be better prepared to face anykind of an attack, so I teach everything that I know.

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