Friday, September 27, 2024

Coming Back Full Circle by Maha Guro SGMD

By Maha Guru SGMD
I first began training, and teaching martial arts starting back in 1972. Since that early time period, some of my first student's have emerged, and have come full circle to tell me about the positive affects that my style of martial arts has had in their lives, such as Master Instructor Henry Antipuesto, Master Bobby Ford, Master Taitano, the late Master Instructor Conrad Martinez, former California Correctional Officer Frank Smith, retired California Correctional Officer Captain Ray Novencido, along with many other former student's as well.
In 1976, I relocated to Cleveland, Ohio, and opened up a Kajukenbo Kickboxing Academy there. The name of the academy was called; the 'MERCURY KARATE GUNG FU SCHOOL.'
It was in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1980, that I promoted, and brought together two of the legendary Bruce Lee's top student's into the city, Guro Dan Inosanto, and the late Great Grandmaster Richard S. Bustillo, in order to conduct an exclusive 'Jeet Kune Do/Kali' workshop. These two Bruce Lee student's brought out the "Who's Who" within the community of Cleveland's top notch martial artist's.
Cleveland's Shaolin Kung Master James Cook, came out to pay homage to the two special guest stars. Additionally, 'Filipino Martial Arts' Grandmaster Manuel Taningco, came up from Dayton, Ohio, in order to perform his style of stick fighting, the late great Grandmaster Kenny Ferguson of Cleveland, Ohio, was in the house on that day, and Master Guro Freddie Thompson of Cleveland, Ohio, not only attended this spectacular event, but later went on to study Bruce Lee's art form in California, directly under both Guro Dan Inosanto, and Great Grandmaster Richard S. Bustillo as well.
Bringing Bruce Lee’s student's into Cleveland, Ohio, back in 1980, revolutionized much of the tone, the dynamics, and the various approaches to studying, and mastering martial arts. Bruce Lee's method of martial arts is light years ahead of it's time, and it certainly has inspired martial artist’s worldwide to raise their bars to the 100th. Power.
In 1983, I went back to California, and promoted another Bruce Lee workshop featuring again, Guro Dan Inosanto, along with the late 'Kali Escrima Jeet Kune Do' expert, Maha Guru Ted Lucaylucay. This particular workshop featured many of California's top martial artist's  such as, 'Kajukenbo' legend Ahgung Tony Ramos, Korea's 'Kuk Sool Won' Grandmaster In Joo Suh, 'Chinese Kempo Go Shin Jitsu Kai' Grand Professor Bill Chun Jr., the late Grand Master Escrimador Rene Latosa, Grandmaster Voice Rogers, 'Kajukenbo' Grand Professor's Emilio Bautista & son Grand Professor Joseph Bautista Sr., local Mayor Gary Falatti, the late dynamic 'Kuk Sool Won' Grandmaster Larry White, and countless of other's attended this illustrious historical event as well.
It was this particular promotion in 1983, that stimulated many of Northern California's Kajukenbo stylists, and other's to begin learning the weapons arts of the Philippines.
In late 1983, I opened a Kickboxing Kali/Escrima school in San Francisco, California. In 1984, I hosted and promoted another Filipino martial arts event, once again featuring Guro Dan Inosanto.
Unfortunately, due to a last minute illness, Guro Inosanto was not able to attend this particular event. Instead, two of Guro Dan Inosanto's former Filipino martial arts Instructor's stood in his place, the 'Decuerdas Eskrima Jiu Jitsu' Great Grand Professor Gilbert Tenio, and his partner the late Grand Professor John Eliab, and the headliner of the Escrima workshop, the legendary stick knife fighter, Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales from Stockton, California.
After this event was over, Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales offered to privately teach me his particular system of Filipino martial arts. This turned into a seven years affair, and totally changed the course of my life.
In 1990, with the permission and the blessings of Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales, I flew into Berlin, Germany, and established the first pure art form of 'Cabales Serrada Escrima' there, as it was taught directly to me by Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales. Since going in and out of Germany for the past fifteen years, I have taught three generations of German student's.
From 2007 on, which was my last workshop in Germany, until today 2024, I am still teaching the fine arts of 'Kajukenbo Kickboxing' and the exclusive Filipino martial arts of 'Cabales Serrada Escrima.'
Additionally, I am the Chief Executive Editor, and publisher of a martial arts magazine known as 'SERRADADOR Magazine. I also head a national/international martial arts organization known as the 'United World Serrada Escrima Federation.' This Federation is represented in (47) different countries in which the U.S.A. is the primary headquarters.
This short synopsis represents only a small portion of my background history which has gone full circle on my journey within the field of martial arts.
Maha Guru SGMD / President UWSEF
SERRADADOR Magazine/ Chief Executive Editor 
Founder of 'DC Serrada System of Escrima' 🙏
☆ Wow, that was epic SGMD. You did go full circle. I am very proud of your accomplishments and many achievement awards. Your journey continues in countless numbers you made an impact in the martial Art world. It will never stop because it’s your passion of the sport and making a difference in many people who are involved also inspiring your method in many others too. Keep up the good work. I salute you forever and god bless, 
Master Henry Antipuesto

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

UWSEF Acknowledges GM Petra Eischeid

Miestress Petra Eischeid As Grand Meistress Gura 8th. Degree 
CONGRATULATIONS Grand Meistress Guru LifeArt Petra Eischeid,
It gives me great honor, and great pleasure awarding you this special 8th. Degree Award. You are one of the most dedicated, artistic, & most lethal warriors that I've had the unique opportunity to personally train & to work with. Additionally, 
this degree ranks you as the sole woman that has attained the highest degree within the "DC Serrada System of Escrima." Your Escrima skills have become impeccable, 
and you are definitely a force on the planet to be reckoned with. 
I'm extremely proud to be called your Teacher.
I Salute You & Grand CONGRATULATIONS Again,
upon your monumental achievement. 
Maha Guru SGMD President UWSEF
Dear Maha Guru SGMD, I have not the right words to thank you. You brought the work to Germany and I will always be grateful that I was allowed to be your master student and was initiated into the secrets of Serrada Escrima. I feel great gratitude to receive this title. Thank you so much.  A deep bow from Germany. 
Grand Master Gura Petra Eischeid

Dear Maha Guru SGMD - my Enlish is not as well - but I would like to share these thoughts. Even though years have passed since my first Serrada-lesson, I always want to pay tribute to the Grandmasters of Escrima Serrada - my tribute to you Grandmaster Maha Guru SGMD and the great GM Angel Cabales. May our teachers always live in our martial art.

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Letter of Appreciation to GM Professor Heidi Sarmiento

A Letter of Appreciation To Grandmaster Prof. Coach Heidi Sarmiento 
Very seldom do you find people who do things unconditionally, and GM Heidi Sarmiento, you are one of those special, and unique personalities who is already a star in your own rights. I admire the fact that you know how to escalate other's above, and beyond yourself. My personal experience in meeting you demonstrated to me that you are not only a true warrior, but also, a Lady of class, and genuine eloquence. It was truly an esoteric experience working with you, and your battle honed crew, they're all amazing people. 
I really enjoyed watching you at work, and by listening, and watching you sharing aspects of your boxing craft, I in turn learned a lot about your style of pugilism. 
Also, I want to thank you immensely for getting me to & from San Diego into Santee, CA., Most of all, great appreciation for allowing me to teach at the 'Leaders of Tomorrow Martial Arts School.' 
I very much felt at home at the school. I am forever grateful to you. You are definitely an inspiring leader, a mover and a shaker, and I'm very proud to call you my friend, and you are now a part of my extended family (Ohana) 🙏. 
Additionally, it's a pristine honor to have you, and your Son Aaron on board as our UWSEF SoCal Representatives. 
Proud to serve! Grandeur Respect,
Maha Guru SGMD / President UWSEF

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recent UWSEF Boxing Kajukenbo Escrima DC a Serrada Escrima Seminar

Summary of The Recent UWSEF Boxing KaJuKenBo Escrima DC Serrada Escrima Workshop's Held in Santee, California 2024
Recently-In Santee, California, a spectacular martial arts event was held. Martial arts instructor's came from all around Southern California, Northern California, and as far away as the state of Ohio, in order to teach their various systems of martial arts at the 'Leaders of Tomorrow Martial Arts School' located in Santee, California. The promoter, and the host of the event was San Diego based instructor Grandmaster Professor Coach Heidi Sarmiento. 
*The focus of the event was to bring forth more exposure to the school located in Santee, CA., and at the same time share various self-defense techniques that are designed for defending oneself if ever attacked by an assailant in the streets, or in any kind of an indoor dwelling space.
*The workshops began with the 'KaJuKenBo Escrima' method of self-defense as taught by Northern California UWSEF representative Grand Master David Ducay. GM Ducay, taught the participants various weapons, and empty hand counter tactics that can be effectively learned, and applied against any attacker (s) if and when it becomes necessary. 
*Second up on the mat, was internationally renowned martial artist Maha Guru SGMD, who traveled all of the way from the state of Ohio, in order to support this unique event, and also to share his over 47 years of martial arts expertise. The Guru taught simple, quick, and easy to learn empty hand, and practical weapons techniques that are designed to stop an attacker dead in their tracks. 
*Last up on the mat, was Grand Master Prof. Boxing Coach Heidi Sarmiento. GM Coach Sarmiento taught some of the more intricate aspects of the fine art of boxing. She emphasized many boxing drills that are designed to increase one's reflexes, eye and hand coordination, footwork, power, and flawless timing in delivering, and in countering hand strikes.
 *Additionally, several other top notch distinctive martial arts dignitaries showed up for this historical affair. Inglewood, California based KAJUKENBO instructor Professor Rick Kingi, and his assistant instructor Professor Cliff Sumida came out to show their respects, and support for the visiting instructor's.
*Professor GM Kingi, has been involved in KAJUKENBO KARATE since the early 1960s. He was GGM Carlos Bunda’s first black belt. (He got his 1st. black belt degree in 1968). During the middle 1960’s, he was able to train under the late Grand Professor John Leoning, and the late Dave Kawashima. 
*Also in attendance was Kempo Karate Professor Bryan Bagnas, of San Diego, who paid his respects by attending the gathering, and by participating in all three of the workshop's that were presented as well. 
*The Grand finale of the workshop's event ended by presenting a special honor award to Filipino martial arts celebrity pioneer, Arnis Grandmaster Joe Cardenas, of National City, California. 
*Grand Master Joe Cardenas was awarded the prestigious 'UWSEF HONORARY GRANDMASTER'S GOD FATHER'S AWARD.' The award was presented to, GM Joe Cardenas by Maha Guru SGMD, who is the presiding president, and the founder of the United World Serrada Escrima Federation (UWSEF). The UWSEF represents over 47 countries worldwide. 
*Special thanks goes out to Aaron Hardin, 
2 time California State Golden Gloves State Champion, and National Golden Gloves Bronze Medalist, who coached, and guided the participants patiently in some of the basic fundamentals of boxing. 
*Also, thanks to Master Joe Abueg, who gave an outstanding full contact stick fighting demonstration along with his assistant instructor GM Professor Coach Heidi Sarmiento.
*Acknowledgements also goes out to Master Joe Benedito, Kristine Magat, and Jos Eff. 
*This was indeed a very rare function in the Southern California area, and for all of those who missed this exciting, and grand affair, and who are interested in participating in the next upcoming Self-Defense Workshop's trilogy event in SoCal, can contact SoCal UWSEF Representative GM Prof. Coach Heidi Sarmiento at: 
or Maha Guru SGMD at:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

St Louis, Missouri UWSEF Regional Directors

"A Special Congratulations goes out to our newest UWSEF St. Louis Missouri Representatives GM Prof. Mike Utechtt & GM Prof. Bruce Albach" 
Welcome to the UWSEF A-TEAM Gentleman. The UWSEF members are very proud to have you two outstanding gentlemen, and experenced martial artist's on board.
Congratulations & Grandeur Salute!
Regal Respect, 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Center of Defense Arts Sensei Raftry Gave a Fabulous Seminar Benefitting Tunnels 2 Towers

St. Louis Missouri - On August 24th. & 25th. 2024, Founder / Head Instructor Tim Raftery Conducted A Fabulous Workshop at The Eagle & Dragon Martial Arts Academy
His featured system of combat is known as "Small Circle Jujitsu" and was founded by the legendary Great Grand Professor Wally Jay.  Instructor Raftery, focused upon, and taught sophisticated joint locks that were simple, fast & very easy to learn. Other aspects that were taught were counter ground fighting tactics & locking techniques as well.
Additionally, Head Instructor Tim Raftery shared much of his grandeur wisdom with all of the participants in his workshops. 
A special treat was that Master Instructor Raftery & Maha Guru SGMD, met one another for the very first time, and found that they both have much in common with one another in regards to their distinctive approaches to applying self-defense tactics. 
Indeed at 74 years of age, Chief Master Instructor Tim Raftery moved flawlessly, smoothly, along with with speed & power, and most of all with keen & deadly precision.

DC Serrada Escrima Seminar October 12th & 13th

message From the President of the UWSEF

Message From the President of the UWSEF
Message From The President of the 'United World Serrada Escrima Federation' Maha Guru SGMD
The UWSEF was founded upon the principles of goodwill, good faith, and each one support one. Thus far, all of the UWSEF Representatives here in the U.S.A., and abroad have been hard at work spreading the UWSEF motto "One Fist One Love." I have lived the life of a martial artist practically all of my life, and there have definitely been some dark dire moments in my life as well, but no matter what obstacles were in the way, martial arts never failed to save the day. There are so many dedicated martial artist's worldwide, that feel the same way that I do. And my pledge is to come into contact with as many of these dedicated martial artist's as I possibly can. My primary purpose is to share knowledge, and to continue to do the healing work that our 'Grand Elder's' taught us to do.
The UWSEF is crack A-Team outfit, and we go wherever our services are mostly needed. Our latest member, and representative in the state of St. Louis Missouri, is Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes. Guro Blaydes is an extraordinary martial artist who has been training in the art of "CSE & DC Serrada Escrima'" for over 20 years, under the personalized tutelage of Grandmaster Michael Schwarz. Also, due to his continued dedication, Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes has been awarded the 'United World Serrada Escrima Federation' Sr. Master's 5th. Degree Certificate.' 
Additionally, Sr. Master Instructor Robert Blaydes is now a Lifetime member of the UWSEF, and has full privileges within the UWSEF as well.
Great Congratulations Brother Robert Blaydes, and welcome into an organization that stands upon the shoulders of several Master's, Grandmaster's & Great Grandmaster's. I look forward to crossing blades, sticks and empty-hands with you again soon.
Best Regards, Respectfully
Maha Guru SGMD