Friday, June 22, 2007

Inayan Kadena De Mano DVD Review

It is my pleasure to present a review on the Inayan Brotherhood of Eskrima (IBE) recent DVD production of the Kadena De Mano Basics.

This DVD was made in a cooperative effort between Masirib Guros: Emanuel Hart, Steve Klement, & Cory Hanosh, with narration by Datu Dieter Knuttel. Also assisting in the video is senior student Randal Crisp.

In communication with Masirib Klement and Hanosh periodically, I was aware that this as well as other DVD’s were in the making and to be released. As a Punong Guro in the Davis/Cabales System of Serrada Escrima, I had anxiously awaited this production. As I share similar backgrounds with several of my associates in the Serrada Escrima community, I found I do as well with these gentlemen.

Though we have had different paths of learning Serrada Escrima, it is refreshing to know that the spirits of Angel Cabales and Max Sarmiento have shown thru in our collective efforts to propagate Serrada Escrima.

The production and DVD quality is very good. Several camera angles are shown for better understanding of techniques. The lighting was perfect for the demonstrations and the background is not obtrusive, so that it does not take the viewer’s attention away from the techniques offered.

The instructors demonstrated a great understanding of the Kadena De Mano(chain of hands) techniques. Although I am familiar with the basic techniques offered, it was refreshing to see someone else’s understandings and perceptions on these techniques.
There are several offerings of each technique. Offered on this DVD are the basic defenses, grappling and take down maneuvers, as well as disarms. All of these offerings are terrific in their own way.

Viewing and studying the movements on this DVD will enhance anyone’s martial arts experience. However, I do feel that one should have at least a very basic understanding of the angles of attacks offered by Serrada Escrima. That too, is covered on this DVD.
The instructors have tried to present their material so that it is palatable for almost anyone and with proper practice the techniques can be understood by anyone.

I definitely would recommend this DVD production to anyone interested not only in Kadena De Mano, but all martial arts. Why? Because just as Serrada Escrima “flows”, so does Kadena De Mano.

I was pleased to see that there was no wasted space or long winded explanations of technique as I have found on some of our contemporaries offerings. The instructors are straight to the point and the narration is a special bonus. The narration does not detract from the instruction.

If this DVD is any indication, I recommend all other productions that the IBE will be producing.
I am looking forward to viewing the De Cuerdes DVD very soon and would like to offer a critique of this DVD as well.

My respects and regards to all.

PG Michael Schwarz

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