Friedrichshafen, Germany- It was a master-plan that planned out masterfully. Recently, in Friedrichshafen, Germany, two of the most prolific figures within the world of Filipino martial arts came together upon international soil in order to further plant the seeds of “Serrada Escrima” and “Jeet Kune Do”.
Both Grandmaster Guru Anthony Davis and Grandmaster Richard S. Bustillo met at the main international headquarters of the “World Serrada Escrima Federation” in the south of Germany. GM Davis the co-founder of the “World Serrada Escrima Federation” and GM Bustillo the chief instructor and president of the “IMB Academy” presented their much respected styles of Filipino martial arts to well over (65) eager seminar participants.
For two-days of non stop intensive action in both the close-quarter systems of “Serrada Escrima” and “Jeet Kune Do” instructor candidates were close-order drilled into some of the
In spite of his (60) plus years; GM Bustillo moved like a man (35) years younger. Still very fast and accurate, GM Bustillo flowed effortlessly from one combat maneuver to the next awing the students continuously with his amazing command of skill and precise contact control. GM Bustillo covered everything in his workshops from the famous Bruce Lee ‘Stop-Kick’ to the amazing signature Bruce Lee ‘One-Inch-Punch’.
Assisting GM Bustillo was his Frankfurt, Germany {IMB Academy} representative, Guru Tobias Ricker. Guru Ricker did a flawless job of interpreting everything in German that was said by GM Bustillo in English. Additionally! Guru Ricker also did an excellent job in translating the fundamental theories behind every technique that GM Bustillo had thoroughly explained and demonstrated.
Next up on deck was the Grandmaster of the “Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” Anthony Davis. GM Guru Anthony Davis is one of the foremost authorities in the field of Serrada Escrima, and he is one of the primary promoters of the “Angel Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” worldwide. In 1984, GM Davis became a private student of the late GGM Angel Cabales the “Father of Escrima in America”.
Beginning as far back as 1980, GM Davis had begun his studies in the scientific, combative field of Filipino martial arts. Extracting information from some of the best in the FMA circles such as, Guru Dan Inosanto, GM Richard S. Bustillo, Guru Ted Lucaylucay, GM Rene Latosa, and the late Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales, GM Davis was able to formulate a well rounded hybrid system of Serrada Escrima in which he has coined the “Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima”. In 1980, GM Anthony Davis promoted the very first “Kali/Jeet kune Do” workshops in Cleveland, Ohio, featuring the notorious “dynamic duo” Guru Dan Inosanto, and his main partner, GM Richard S. Bustillo.
GM Richard S. Bustillo told all of the participants at the recent German seminars that “GM Anthony Davis was one of the first persons to promote “Kali” and “Jeet Kune Do” in the early 1980’s”. In order to acknowledge GM Anthony Davis’ many promotions, accomplishments, and contributions within the world martial arts community, GM Bustillo awarded him the prestigious “IMB Academy Gold Medal Award” along with an “IMB” instructors T-shirt.
(L) GM Richard S. Bustillo (C) M/ Bernd Renner & M/P. Eischeid (R) GM A. Davis

As both GM Anthony Davis, and GM Richard S. Bustillo trained at different time periods under the same legendary stick/knife master Angel Cabales, this gave all of the participants at this illustrious gathering a parallel glimpse into the historical past, and into the present ongoing evolution of the art of Serrada Escrima and Jeet Kune Do. Although Filipino martial arts have become widespread all over the world, Germany has become the second largest market place for stick and knife fighting.
In order to secure GM Richard S. Bustillo’s special guest appearance in Germany, the World Serrada Escrima Federation’s president, GM Anthony Davis appointed two of his top German representatives Master Petra Eischeid, and Master Bernd Renner to aid in co-promoting this spectacular event. Master Eischeid in conjunction with Master Renner united as one fist in order to manifest this historical production which resulted into a rare ‘grand-masterful’ affair.
GM Davis stated “It was indeed an immaculate experience to co-star along side of one of the last great (Monongs) a man who was one of the first pioneers that laid down some of the first foundation stones on behalf of Filipino martial arts in America”.
GM Bustillo said “The nice thing about my seminar is seeing an old valued friend like Anthony Davis, and meeting new ones like Sifu Petra Eischeid, and Sifu Bernd Renner, and the students. The seminar may have passed, but the seminar experience and memories are lasting. My very special thanks to Grandmaster Anthony Davis for the hospitality and support in arranging the IMB seminar”. This last set of seminars in Germany represented GM Davis’ 10th. intensive Serrada Escrima workshop within a three month time period.
Simultaneously! as the “Davis/ Bustillo” workshops were taking place in Germany, back in the states the Midwest St. Louis “WSEF” representatives Punong Guru Mike Schwarz, and Master James Perkins, the founder of the “World Martial Arts Union (WMAU) presented a “Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” workshop in Florida at “Anta’s Fitness and Self-Defense Academy”. Master Anta’s academy is an affiliate and authorized training center for the “World Serrada Escrima Federation”. Additionally! Master Anta is an Apprentice Instructor in the (WSEF).
Just one-week later as a spin off of the “Davis/Bustillo” workshops, the ‘WSEF’ German international representative Master Bernd Renner conducted a ‘Davis/Cabales Serrada System of Escrima’ workshop in Luckau, Germany. As a result of this particular workshop there is now an official ‘WSEF’ representative headquarters in Northern, Germany.
Indeed the golden legacy of the late Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales is definitely being kept alive worldwide by one of Serrada Escrima’s most zealous and most enigmatic ambassador’s within the world triangle of Filipino martial arts, GM Anthony Davis.
For more information regarding the ‘World Serrada Escrima Federation’, products, membership, classes: private and group, seminars, and instructor trainee programs, contact GM Anthony Davis at: anthonyserrada2@yahoo.com

(L) Master James Perkins, (C)
Master Anta; (R) Punong Guru Mike Schwarz
(L) Bernd Renner, GM Richard S. Bustillo, Petra Eischeid, (R) GM Anthony Davis
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