Dedicated to the propagation of Serrada Escrima through the efforts of SGM Anthony Davis, GM Guro Schwarz and efforts made by members of the WSEF, news regarding the WSEF, news and efforts of others throughout the FMA community.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
The Man, The Legend, The Teacher of Living Legends, GM Angel Cabales
Dead Man Talking 2: Angel Cabalesl Awaded WSEF Lifetime Achievement Award
Angel Cabales Awarded WSEF
Lifetime Achievement Award
March 4, 2006
Part Two
The late Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales was awarded the "World Serrada Escrima Federation Lifetime Achievement Award" on March 4, 2006, at Langley’s Karate School in Sacramento, California. The award was given posthumously by the sponsor of the event Senior Grandmaster GMD, a former private advanced graduate instructor of GGM Angel Cabales. Additionally, SGM D is the president and the co-founder along with Grand Prof. Leo T. Fong of the ” World Serrada Escrima Federation." On hand to accept the award in behalf of their father was Gelmar Cabales, his older sister, Marigel Cabales, along with their mother, Maritess Cabales. Assisting his younger brother and sister as an official witness of the acceptance of the award was honorary special guest star Vincent Cabales Sr., and his son Vincent Cabales Jr..
The award acknowledges GGM Angel Cabales as the primary person responsible for the emergence of Filipino martial arts in America, and he has officially been recognized as the Father of Escrima in America. GGM Angel Cabales opened the first official Filipino martial arts academy in 1966 in Stockton, California. Some of the Great Grandmaster’s first students at the Stockton academy include, Max Sarmiento, Leo Giron, Dentoy Revillar, Mike Inay, Jimmy Tacosa, Al Concepcion, Rene Latosa, JC Cabiero, Kathy Lee, Abel Miraflor, Art Miraflor, Leo T. Fong, Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Ted Lucaylucay, and numerous of others. GGM Angel Cabales was also one of the first escrimadors to be featured in an actioned packed martial arts film in 1972, titled; TIGERS REVENGE. Leo T. Fong, a former friend and student of both Bruce Lee and Angel Cabales, was the leading actor and producer of this historic movie.
Also receiving the World Serrada Escrima Federation Lifetime Achievement Award was one of GGM Angel Cabales’ top graduate master instructor, Darren Tibon. Master Darren Tibon is the founder and president of an escrima organization known as Angel’s Disciples. The WSEF recognized Master Tibon as a loyal and dedicated student of GGM Angel Cabales. After GGM Angel Cabales’ death on March 3, 1991, Master Tibon, along with his family members, continued supporting family members of the Great Grandmaster. With sticks and daggers blazing at the speed of light, Master Tibon and his Angel’s Disciples demonstration team presented a riveting demonstration of their skills for those who gathered at the commemoration event and then went on to further elaborate upon some of the finer points of his style of Serrada Escrima, by conducting a special hands on seminar.
Other top notch Angel Cabales graduate instructors; along with some of their third generational Serrada Escrima students, attended the event to show their support. This included Master Jerry Preciado, Master Wade Williams, Master Carlito Bonjoc, Master Ron Saturno, Master Guru Michael Schwarz, Master Guru Anthony Davis Jr., school host Master Bob Langley, Master Jeff Finder, Apprentice Master Fernando Cabe, and Guru Elrik Jundis. Iron Dragon/Kosho Ryu Grandmaster Ray Arquilla and his wife, made a suprise appearance at the commemoration function paying their respects.
At this event all differences were set aside in order to share in the true spirit of Serrada Escrima in the memory of Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales. It was a great accomplishment on the part of Senior Grandmaster D, who organized, promoted, and hosted the event that brought together so many great Master's.
About the event Grandmaster D said. “It takes a unified team in order to reach higher grounds and had it not been for all of those that came out to support the ‘Legacy’ of GGM Angel Cabales, this commemoration event could not have been as successful as it was."
At the conclusion of the event, It was clearly apparent to everyone in attendance at this special gathering, that they all had become a vital part of the continuing "Golden Legacy" of the legendary Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales.
The "WSEF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" is presented to GGM Angel Cabales' youngest son, Datu Gelmar Cabales.

Angel Cabales Awarded WSEF
Lifetime Achievement Award
March 4, 2006
Part Two
The late Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales was awarded the "World Serrada Escrima Federation Lifetime Achievement Award" on March 4, 2006, at Langley’s Karate School in Sacramento, California. The award was given posthumously by the sponsor of the event Senior Grandmaster GMD, a former private advanced graduate instructor of GGM Angel Cabales. Additionally, SGM D is the president and the co-founder along with Grand Prof. Leo T. Fong of the ” World Serrada Escrima Federation." On hand to accept the award in behalf of their father was Gelmar Cabales, his older sister, Marigel Cabales, along with their mother, Maritess Cabales. Assisting his younger brother and sister as an official witness of the acceptance of the award was honorary special guest star Vincent Cabales Sr., and his son Vincent Cabales Jr..
The award acknowledges GGM Angel Cabales as the primary person responsible for the emergence of Filipino martial arts in America, and he has officially been recognized as the Father of Escrima in America. GGM Angel Cabales opened the first official Filipino martial arts academy in 1966 in Stockton, California. Some of the Great Grandmaster’s first students at the Stockton academy include, Max Sarmiento, Leo Giron, Dentoy Revillar, Mike Inay, Jimmy Tacosa, Al Concepcion, Rene Latosa, JC Cabiero, Kathy Lee, Abel Miraflor, Art Miraflor, Leo T. Fong, Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Ted Lucaylucay, and numerous of others. GGM Angel Cabales was also one of the first escrimadors to be featured in an actioned packed martial arts film in 1972, titled; TIGERS REVENGE. Leo T. Fong, a former friend and student of both Bruce Lee and Angel Cabales, was the leading actor and producer of this historic movie.
Also receiving the World Serrada Escrima Federation Lifetime Achievement Award was one of GGM Angel Cabales’ top graduate master instructor, Darren Tibon. Master Darren Tibon is the founder and president of an escrima organization known as Angel’s Disciples. The WSEF recognized Master Tibon as a loyal and dedicated student of GGM Angel Cabales. After GGM Angel Cabales’ death on March 3, 1991, Master Tibon, along with his family members, continued supporting family members of the Great Grandmaster. With sticks and daggers blazing at the speed of light, Master Tibon and his Angel’s Disciples demonstration team presented a riveting demonstration of their skills for those who gathered at the commemoration event and then went on to further elaborate upon some of the finer points of his style of Serrada Escrima, by conducting a special hands on seminar.
Other top notch Angel Cabales graduate instructors; along with some of their third generational Serrada Escrima students, attended the event to show their support. This included Master Jerry Preciado, Master Wade Williams, Master Carlito Bonjoc, Master Ron Saturno, Master Guru Michael Schwarz, Master Guru Anthony Davis Jr., school host Master Bob Langley, Master Jeff Finder, Apprentice Master Fernando Cabe, and Guru Elrik Jundis. Iron Dragon/Kosho Ryu Grandmaster Ray Arquilla and his wife, made a suprise appearance at the commemoration function paying their respects.
At this event all differences were set aside in order to share in the true spirit of Serrada Escrima in the memory of Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales. It was a great accomplishment on the part of Senior Grandmaster D, who organized, promoted, and hosted the event that brought together so many great Master's.
About the event Grandmaster D said. “It takes a unified team in order to reach higher grounds and had it not been for all of those that came out to support the ‘Legacy’ of GGM Angel Cabales, this commemoration event could not have been as successful as it was."
At the conclusion of the event, It was clearly apparent to everyone in attendance at this special gathering, that they all had become a vital part of the continuing "Golden Legacy" of the legendary Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales.
The "WSEF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" is presented to GGM Angel Cabales' youngest son, Datu Gelmar Cabales.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
"Dead Man Talking" Chronicles of Legendary Stick/Knife Fighter Angel Cabales Pt. 1
By Otto Watt
(l-to-r) SGM Angel Cabales & Grand Master *D*/1987
Grandmaster *D* has over {40} + years of actual training in the field of martial arts. The combat arts that he has studied includes Kajukenbo, Chinese Kempo, Thai Boxing, Tai Chi Chuan, Western Boxing, Kali and the fine art of *Serrada Escrima* as personally taught to him by the late *Supreme Grand Master Guru Angel O. Cabales. Regardless of your skill level, style, experience or previous training in the pugilistic weapon or “empty-hand” arts…Grandmaster *D* thoughtfully, and thoroughly guides, and personally teaches you this “beginner to expert” stick-knife and empty-hand training program. The time worn notion that all students must train for 3 to 6, or even 10 yrs., is a misnomer, and, is a thing of the past. By extracting the essence of Serrada Escrima and combining it with his over {40} + years of martial arts expertise…You are presented with an “eclectic” modern day style that will give you the decisive edge in the absolute art of streetwise combat. With Grandmaster D, “It’s all about superior quality of service.” Serrada Escrima is not only based upon technique, but also, on theories, and concepts that were developed and refined throughout many years by SGM Guru Angel Cabales himself.
SGM Angel Cabales learned the rudimentary foundation of the Filipino art of escrima from his mentor, “Dequerdas” Sr. Grand Master Guru Felicisimo Dizon. Grandmaster D, began studying Cabales Serrada Escrima back in 1984 in Stockton, California. With several years of genuine combat experience already underneath his belt, GM D, knew instantly that after having witnessed SGM Angel Cabales in actual combat action, he was indeed a genuine weapons ‘Master’.
Grand Master Angel Cabales Merges With GMD’S
Filipino Kali/Escrima Association 1984
SGM Angel Cabales once said to GM D, that his intentions were not to inflict upon him his particular style of martial arts; but rather to demonstrate & to teach him some effective tactics that he could use to make his 'own' style of martial arts even more applicable & even more effective. SGM Angel Cabales also said to GM *D*, "Any student whose primary focus is to be a carbon copy of his teacher is doing themselves a great disservice. No one can be exactly like the teacher and still retain their own personal identity. “In essence, the 'Cabales Serrada System of Escrima' was designed as a method of personal self-discovery, and for self-transformation of the soul. In this hands-on learning system, SGM Cabales called the highest level of martial arts achievement "presence of mind" or "spontaneous intelligent reaction". Around 1986-87, GM *D* arranged, and introduced GM Gura Graciela Casillas to SGM Angel Cabales, thus,is where she began her transformative stages of training within the field of Cabales Serrada Escrima.
(l-r) Great Grandmaster Angel Cabales & GM Gura Graciela Casillas
"When a person is seriously engaged in close-quarter combat, there is no time for thinking, feeling, choosing or judging what is occurring from moment-to-moment.” Here's how SGM Guru Angel Cabales put it. On June 3, 1990, GM D traveled to SGM Angel Cabales' home in order to conduct a very special interview on him. Although GM *D* had spoken to SGM Cabales many times about his style of fighting, he was always reluctant to ask him about his death matches. SGM Angel Cabales told GM D, that escrima death matches were an integral part of the ancient warrior code & traditions of the Philippines. "To willfully test one's skills in an actual match to the death is the ultimate test of true fighting skill and indomitable courage".
SGM Angel Cabales added, " Whenever you are engaged in mortal combat you must forget about all of the antics of your opponent. One must not worry about things like how big or strong or how great your opponent's reputation or image is. One must remain calm & cool, but as alert as possible and strike the enemy down with certainty, accuracy, and with overwhelming pinpointed, and strategic execution of overriding power." SGM Angel Cabales insisted that in order to survive in any life or death encounter, you must bypass all negative and positive conflicts. Any type of conflictuality constricts the natural energy flow, or " the presence of mind” of a person. Freezing in the midst of a life or death encounter can be very fatal. It is only in a natural state of mind that one can effectively defend himself against myriad of attacks.
SGM Angel Cabales taught GM *D* that obtaining high levels of rank or degrees should never be the primary focus of a martial arts aspirant. Instead, a practitioner should focus upon the fundamentals & upon the metaphysical ingredients that lie behind all external formulas for combat fighting.
SGM Angel Cabales taught GM *D* that obtaining high levels of rank or degrees should never be the primary focus of a martial arts aspirant. Instead, a practitioner should focus upon the fundamentals & upon the metaphysical ingredients that lie behind all external formulas for combat fighting.
According to SGM Angel Cabales, no level of rank could ever equate with the raw courage and skill that is latent within the hearts, bodies, and the minds of every human being. A real warrior works from a position of practicality, and begins the process of becoming a master craftsman by using whatever personality & circumstances he/she is in at the time. To SGM Angel Cabales, befriending and assisting a person with the elevation of their mind was his greatest and highest achievement award within his lifetime. The 'Cabales Serrada System of Escrima' was designed for thinkers, and for all those who are seeking a supreme martial arts type of lifestyle. The art of Serrada Escrima as developed by SGM Angel Cabales entails many aspects of the art of combat. "In order to make my art of Serrada Escrima serve the present time, we only have to assemble or reassemble my art into its fullest dimensions scientifically, and then my students have to bring to life my art of Serrada Escrima, and then make it their own." SGM Angel Cabales stated that his style of fighting could not fail him in any combative encounter. In SGM Angel Cabales' mind his art could never fail him because he always thought in a completely positivist way when it came to close-quarter-combat-fighting. SGM Angel Cabales was not afraid to engage in actual hand-to-hand or weapon-to-weapon encounters. The Serrada System of Escrima as taught by SGM Angel Cabales was very people oriented. SGM Cabales was not only the first escrimador master to open a commercial escrima academy in America, but also! like the legendary Bruce Lee; he was amongst one o the first Filipino masters to teach outside of his race. A good example of this are the top three African American master graduate students that Cabales personally taught escrima to; Professor Sultan Uddin, Master Jerry Preciado, and SR. Grandmaster D.
(l-to-r) GM Jim Mather, SGM Angel Cabales, Grand Master *D* & Professor *Sultan Uddin*
GM D Awards Master Angel Cabales The Official Title: Of Grand Master/ 1985-86
Finally, Angel Cabales believed in the eternal goodness of man. Even when the usurers were closing in on him, he still had faith in his 'Serrada System of Escrima'.. After several years of practicing, and promoting the “Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” worldwide; GM D still continues to discover hidden clues & further meaning that has unearthed some of the deepest secrets of the "Angel Cabales Serrada System of Self-Defense". It's these time energy-releasing secrets that continue to propel GM D upon an " Endless Journey " of self-discovery & further development within the area of close quarter combat. In a follow-up interview in early 1990, just prior to SGM Angel Cabales' death, GM D asked the 'Supreme Grand Master' who he felt his top Serrada Escrima student (s) were; In a proud voice he said; "All of my students are top notch students."
Finally, Angel Cabales believed in the eternal goodness of man. Even when the usurers were closing in on him, he still had faith in his 'Serrada System of Escrima'.. After several years of practicing, and promoting the “Cabales Serrada System of Escrima” worldwide; GM D still continues to discover hidden clues & further meaning that has unearthed some of the deepest secrets of the "Angel Cabales Serrada System of Self-Defense". It's these time energy-releasing secrets that continue to propel GM D upon an " Endless Journey " of self-discovery & further development within the area of close quarter combat. In a follow-up interview in early 1990, just prior to SGM Angel Cabales' death, GM D asked the 'Supreme Grand Master' who he felt his top Serrada Escrima student (s) were; In a proud voice he said; "All of my students are top notch students."
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